Educate Your Clients, From Social Inflation to Nuclear Verdicts
Digital certificates of insurance (COI) are an essential component to engaging with your clientele who desire to increase productivity and response time. At Universal Business Insurance, we assess our clients’ (and prospects’) vulnerabilities from a risk management perspective, develop a written service plan strategy and continually audit their progress. Our service plan strategy assessment determines which are the most appropriate service channels to provide.
It is imperative today to have service options that provide essential tools to allow our clients within our main verticals—construction, hospitality, social services, manufacturing and trucking industries—the ability to operate outside of the standard weekday time period as their industries demand. We use Applied’s CSR24 to offer capabilities for clients to not only view their information but also to act upon their insurance needs around the clock.
By enabling clients to handle certificate requests directly, the agency/brokerage is able to focus its attention on other servicing needs.
An online, self-service client portal not only allows for client certificate issuance on an as-needed basis, but also provides clients with the ability to track their issued certificates within a secure and reliable system. Mobile capabilities are available for quick issuance anywhere, anytime. Mobile platforms can also provide secure permission levels that incorporate the certificate issuance functions while protecting the agency’s control over the data.
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